January/February Client & Employee Pet of the Month!
Meet Maggie Mae!
Hi! My name is Magie Mae and I am one of the luckiest dogs in the whole world! It all began over Labor Day weekend 2014 when I was walking through a BP station parking lot. I probably would have had about 3 minutes left to live at that busy intersection, but at that very moment there were Angels right there in the parking lot with me. Talk about being in the right place at the right time! My mom and dad, Linda and Fran, scooped me up and took me straight to the vet. I had a really bad case of mange, chronic ear infections and heartworm disease. I was one hot mess! It took about 3 months and Dr. Neal’s constant help to get my skin and ears and the rest of me well enough to go through the heartworm treatment. Now I have had the second treatment and I am well on my way to recovery. WooHoo! I now get to live with a family who loves me beyond wirds(I can make them laugh dontcha know!) and I even have have a BFF names Buddy. Buddy and I are either playing together or napping together all of the time! Remember, miracles DO happen…I am living proof of that!

Employee Pet of the Month
Meet Sadie!
Sadie came into my life in July of 2009. I had heard of a kitter of puppies being born nearby and I had to check them out! When I sat down to play with them, the sweetest,most cuddliest pup came to sit in my lap and she didn’t kesve one time.mat that moment I knew that she had picked me. She has been the best dog and I love her more than words can say. -Kali (vet tech here at EBAH)